Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Birthday!

We like to celebrate Valentine's birthday on Valentine's Day :) I think he likes it too.

He received a delicious pie and was kind enough to share it with some friends. Here he is with Pammy and Wilbur. So patient!!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Karma!!

Karma turned 1 today! She enjoyed some tasty treats and received an alligator! Happy Birthday Karma :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


19 degrees is what the temperature has been dropping to lately. That may not be a big deal to most people but for those of us that are not used to it, or to pigs who aren't used to it, it's a big deal!

We have had to delay our start time for feeding and have added ice breaking into the feeding routine. The ice in the pools and bowls froze over 3 inches thick today. Not so fun for our piggies that like to drink while they eat.

We also had around 20 pipes break today :( They were all secured but will need to be repaired.

We've really been on our A game trying to make sure everyone has enough blankets and hay. A lot of the pigs choose to snuggle during these cold nights. We are also thinking of all the other sanctuaries and houses where the weather is far worse.