Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Integrating Pigs

When you add a new dog or cat for the family the transition can often be hard on the animals that were already in the home. This also holds true for pigs.

I've had Katie and Rudy together for a while now. Karma was a new edition about 4 months ago. It's taken about that long to be able to have them out together without fighting. It's been a struggle and took some separating during feeding and bedtime but we have finally made success! Karma can now be out all day with Katie and Rudy without getting into fights. Phew! I still worry that Katie might try to corner Karma so I keep an eye and ear out for that but they are doing well. Hallelujah!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

More Birthday Madness!

This week we celebrated another birthday! Samantha turned 19! I don't think she looks a day over 15 ;)

She celebrated with peach pie, mmm.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh Hello Blogger

I seem to be neglecting the blog!! I've been so busy on the sanctuary and updating facebook that this poor blog gets the shaft. This needs to change!

I will start the change with sharing the fact that today is Rudy's birthday!!! He turned 1 today :D

As you may recall, Rudy came to us as a baby with inner ear and spinal deformities. He continues to deal with being off balance because of these deformities but is living life well!! He has 2 sisters, one brother and 2 pug pals. He gets along with all and especially loves getting attention from people. And I have to say, people love giving him attention :) He is such a special boy and anyone who meets him sees it right away.

Happy Birthday Rudy!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Birthday!

We like to celebrate Valentine's birthday on Valentine's Day :) I think he likes it too.

He received a delicious pie and was kind enough to share it with some friends. Here he is with Pammy and Wilbur. So patient!!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Karma!!

Karma turned 1 today! She enjoyed some tasty treats and received an alligator! Happy Birthday Karma :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


19 degrees is what the temperature has been dropping to lately. That may not be a big deal to most people but for those of us that are not used to it, or to pigs who aren't used to it, it's a big deal!

We have had to delay our start time for feeding and have added ice breaking into the feeding routine. The ice in the pools and bowls froze over 3 inches thick today. Not so fun for our piggies that like to drink while they eat.

We also had around 20 pipes break today :( They were all secured but will need to be repaired.

We've really been on our A game trying to make sure everyone has enough blankets and hay. A lot of the pigs choose to snuggle during these cold nights. We are also thinking of all the other sanctuaries and houses where the weather is far worse.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm a Big Kid Now

Dexter was recently introduced to our North field. He has a lot of energy and is making good use of it. Dexter spends the days roaming and meeting new pigs. We were hoping he would like Jeanie. We think they are similar breeds and that he will get at least as big as her. Today I found him hanging out with her :) He doesn't seem to show any fear as he makes his way around the field.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'd Sleep There

I've mentioned before how we 'winterize' the sanctuary for the pigs. It includes many blankets, hay and carpet doors on the shelters. The pigs also help winterize the sanctuary.

We often find the pigs pulling blankets around to where they want them. They also cocoon themselves up so well it's hard to imagine how they can even do that! We've also seen them make nests for themselves.

Pigbody managed to make himself an awesome little nest in the Assisted Living Barn. I've caught other pigs lounging in it during the day but Pigbody owns it at night.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Warm Me Up

After all of the freezing temperatures we finally have a break! The pigs are taking full advantage of it. I went out to snag a few pictures and found that a lot of pigs were out sunbathing. It's nice to see them keeping warm and happy.

Cinderfella was found nosing in some bushes.

Hopper was sitting pretty looking for some attention.

Mojo was walking around enjoying the sun.

Boar Update!

The three boys that went in to be neutered a few weeks ago have all seemed to recover nicely!

Dexter is continuing to grow quickly and is quite the explorer! He loves to run around and get lots of attention.

Ramone is still being a sweetheart. He loves getting attention and belly rubs. He may have a urinary infection so he is on antibiotics.

Little Toby has already gone back to his forever home. It was a pleasure to watch him during his recovery. He did need to sleep indoors as he is still tiny and we had freezing temperatures.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

The last few nights have been really cold. The temperatures have been dropping to 22. Not only does this mean cold nights for the piggies, but it also means ice and frozen pipes in the morning!

While feeding we have to go around and break the ice in all of our water bowls, pools and automatic waterers. Oddly enough, Rudy loves it! Every morning Rudy goes around carrying ice chunks. He's still cold but wants to bring the ice into bed with him. Bad idea Rudy!